Quality & Assurance
Environment and Sustainability
We see social, environmental and economic matters as a whole, and we start to think with the principle of Sustainability in our current system and in every new project
Environmental Management
Duran Doğan Basım ve Ambalaj A.Ş carries out its operations with the awareness of its responsibilities. Our processes are aware that the continuity and efficiency of our operations is possible by maintaining these operations in harmony with the environment.
Our company, which takes the sustainable production approach at the center of its business strategies, aims to carry out its production activities in accordance with international sustainability standards, to increase the values it adds to all its stakeholders, society and the environment in a permanent way, and to be a packaging company with sustainable profitability and development principles.
Duran Doğan, who has ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certificate since 2011, manages its environmental performance with practices that will set an example for the sector beyond fully complying with the rules determined by laws and regulations. Thanks to the Environmental Management System Policy, we implement our services and activities effectively, and constantly improve them by reviewing them.
Within the scope of our Sustainability Policy, Duran Doğan considers Social Responsibility activities as our company’s accountability and fulfillment of its duties and responsibilities towards its stakeholders, and accepts it as a corporate policy to implement “sustainable, changeable and transformable” social responsibility practices.
Water Management
Water is one of the most important natural resources. As Duran Doğan, we are aware that the critical importance of water management is more important today, both with the problems related to the use of water resources in the world and the impact of climate change.
As one of the most important elements of sustainability for our water operations, it is managed in a holistic framework, covering resource diversity, efficient production and efficient consumption. In this context, Duran Doğan aims to make our water resources and production sustainable by commissioning our Reverse Osmosis and Water Treatment Facilities as of 2019.
Waste Management
As a production company, we continue our operations with the awareness of sensitively managing the wastes generated as a result of our processes. Wastes resulting from our activities are managed in accordance with the waste management hierarchy.
In our world where global warming and climate change are increasingly felt and natural resources are gradually disappearing, fulfilling all our responsibilities regarding carbon management is an integral part of our company’s culture. In all our investments, our priority is to protect the environment and to recycle as much as possible.
Reports & Certificates
Firma binası dış cephesinde kullanılan ısı yalıtımlı paneller ile ısıtma ve soğutmada tasarruf sağlanmaktadır.
Firma binası çatısına kurulan 8 KW kapasiteli güneş enerjisi sitemi ile idari ofislerin aydınlatmaları güneş enerjisi ile sağlanmaktadır
Eşanjör sistemli hava kompresörünün yağ ısısı, kullanılarak, doğalgaz tüketim miktarı düşürülmüştür. (%12 DOĞALGAZ TASARRUFU)
Fabrika bünyesinde yer alan tüm aydınlatma alanları ampulden 10 kat daha az elektrik tüketen LED aydınlatma sistemine geçirilmiştir.
Türkiye’de ilk defa film olmaksızın metalize görüntü sağlayan teknoloji üretimimizde kullanılmaktadır.
Bu teknik ile doğada geri dönüşümü uzun yıllar alan hybrid bir ürün olan plastik ve karton birleşimli metalize baskılı karton ambalaj yerine geri dönüşümü tamamen karton olan transfer metalizeli ambalaj geliştirilmiştir.
Döngüsel Ekonomiye katkı sağlamak amacıyla transfer metalizasyon sürecinden çıkan PET film atıkları Geri Dönüşüm Hattında işlenerek yüksek kaliteli PET granül haline getirilmektedir. Bu faaliyet ile plastik sektörü için atık filmlerden hammadde üretilmektedir.
Son 5 yıl içerisinde üretim alanında fosil akıt ile çalışan tüm transpalet ve forkliftler, elektrik ile sarj edilen araçlar ile değiştirilmiştir.
Üretim alanında Kapalı Sistem Karton Atık Toplama ünitesi mevcuttur. Bu sistem ile proses sırasında oluşan tüm fire kartonlar vakumlu sistem ile Karton Atık Toplama alanında toplanır ve Lisanslı Geri Dönüşüm firmasına teslim edilir.
Türkiye’de uluslararası standartlara uygun sera gazı emisyonu raporlaması taahhüdünü veren ilk ambalaj firması olan olan Duran Doğan , CDP 2013 Global 500 raporuna Türkiye’den giren ilk ve tek ambalaj firması olmakla birlikte CDP TÜRKİYE 1.lik ödülüne layık görülmüştür.